Case Studies

Case study (Metal Recycling)

Industry: Press Scrap Recycling
Application: Handling, Sorting and Baling
Material: Sheet Metal Scrap
Product: Scrap Conveyor

Situation: A Large Metal Recycling facility wanted to Automate Sorting and Baling of sheet metal scrap with complete turnkey solution in order to reduce manpower as they were facing safety concern for the operators and lack of Floor space for storing the sheet metal scrap

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Case Studies

Case study (Metal Recycling)

Industry: Press Scrap Recycling
Application: Handling, Sorting and Baling
Material: Sheet Metal Scrap
Product: Scrap Conveyor

Situation: A Large Metal Recycling facility was finding difficult to store the sheet metal scrap. They would receive the scraps in trucks and dump on the shop floor. They would then manually separating usable scrap from the large lump which would necessitate spreading of scrap on floor. This would create a safety concern for the operators and would also block the space for man movement

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